Monday, November 26, 2012

Leftover Mashed Potato Cakes

1-2 cups Mashed potatoes (cold, best if left in fridge at least overnight)
2 Tbl Grated Parmesan cheese
2 Tbl chopped fresh parsley
2 Tbl minced onion (I threw a little onion in the fry pan with a teeny bit of butter to soften and brown)
1/4 cup flour
S&P to taste
Vegetable oil for frying
Deep frying pan

Combine the first 4 ingredients in a bowl. (Note you can certainly add other things here, cheddar cheese, scallions, etc- I chose to use what I had on hand which wasn't much!)

On a plate (or in a baking dish, doesn't matter) combine flour and S&P for dredging.

Heat oil in frying pan over medium heat. Scoop appx 1/4 cup scoops of potatoes (I used an overflowing ice cream scoop) and work it into "patty" form with your hands. Dredge through the flour, and place into the hot oil to fry.

Cook appx 5-7 mins per side, until golden brown. Place on paper towels to drain, then serve.

Recipe was a combination of a few different recipes - I googled "leftover mashed potato cakes" and then read maybe 4 of the recipes, then made up my own based on those.

I really don't know if my mother would embrace these, or disown me for making them. Part of me wants to say she'd be disappointed in me for tampering with her mashed potatoes... but then part of me thinks she would be happy that I re-purposed them. Either way, though, the parsley kills it because she hates parsley and avoids it at all costs. Whoops. O:)

What did you do with YOUR leftovers?!


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