Monday, February 16, 2015

Paleo Zuppa Toscana

Yesterday, I found myself in a crazy, home alone and bored, PMS has taken over moment. You know how that goes. I absolutely had to have chocolate. Like, had to have it. 

Now, due to this home alone and bored situation, I am embarrassed to also admit that I hadn't showered...since Friday... so leaving the house was not an option. I found myself with brownies on the brain, and I know this is a crazy surprise, but that led me to Pinterest- I knew I had most ingredients that I would likely need, I just needed the instructions. Thankfully, I had already pinned a recipe that looked worth trying- check it out! Paleo Coconut Flour Brownies

{note: I actually created a new board on Pinterest where I share/move recipes that I've actually made into, rather than just the ones I think I want to make. Stole that idea from a colleague at work- love it! Check it out if you want by clicking here.}

Ok, now onto more good stuff. This weather makes me crave soup in a bad way. It's like negative degrees out there, and all I want to do is wrap myself with a bowl of soup. Any kind of soup, really. This one keeps calling my name, though. I may have to make it this week.

Paleo Zuppa Toscana 

Recipe adapted from The Paleo Cupboard


1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 Tbl olive oil
1 lb ground Italian sausage
1 tsp red pepper flakes
8 cups chicken or veggie stock {I swear by Nature's Promise organic vegetable stock}
4 turnips (appx 1 lb total), peeled and chopped
4 cups chopped kale
1 cup unsweetened almond milk*
S+P to taste


  1. Place a large stockpot or dutch oven over medium high heat. Heat the oil, and brown sausage for appx 5 minutes. Stir it around periodically so it doesn't burn and browns evenly. 
  2. Once the meat is browned, add onion, garlic and red pepper flakes. Saute for another few minutes. 
  3. Add the stock and turnips and stir to combine. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. 
  4. Add the kale and almond milk and cook for another 5 minutes or until heated through. Make sure that the turnips are tender and the kale is cooked. 
  5. Add S+P to taste and serve.


  • *I made this a while ago- and have since started making dishes that include a more creamy sauce etc., and in many cases it calls for coconut milk. If/when {and that means when} I make this again, I will more than likely use coconut milk to make the soup slightly creamier
  • Who knew turnips could actually be a substitute for a potato?? And a satisfying one at that! #imabeliever 

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